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FRANCOPHONIE : Familly, i love you !

In search of funding


Genre: Documentary

Duration: 52'

Production: Tachkent Productions

Estimated budget: 280 000€


Our needs: We are looking for co-productions with any francophone countries. Many interviews with politicians, business leaders and artists are planned.






Sonia is a young girl convinced that English is the only international language. But on a trip to Madagascar, she discovers a start-up of advanced technology, with stunning growth. Curious, she questions the spring of this success: the French language!


Shaken within her certainties, she launches herself in an investigation: what if, all things considered, speaking French was an asset?


From country to country, she goes from astonishment to astonishment. Rash and insolent, she wrestles answers from small and great businessman, from ministers, from artists. And what answers! She discovers that the economic dimension of the Francophonie is an Eldorado. A wealth which -Sonia bewildered by it-is neglected. To begin with the incomprehensible disinterest of France towards this cause. Sonia, now aware of the stakes, is overwhelmed. Fortunately, she meets a multitude of enthusiastic people. Together, they mark a new path.



What if our borders were no longer the territory but the language? What if supporting his language was not a nationalist withdrawal but an extraordinary opening to the world?  What if this openness was a gigantic economic opportunity creating jobs and values? What if it was not too late?


« My country, it is the French language », Albert Camus, french writer.

Do you speak french?


i speak french!





Year of production: 2015
Budget: 1 552 149$
Profits: 8 169 471$


  • Parce qu’un documentaire qui fait se sentir bien, ça fait du bien.

  • Pour les liens que tisse le film entre des constats et des initiatives éclatées dans le monde entier.

  • Parce que le propos fait évoluer les esprits et amène à une prise de conscience.

  • Parce que les petites initiatives peuvent parfois mieux faire que les grands projets.

  • Parce qu’on peut être militants sans êtres sectaires ou agressifs.




Year of production: 1998


  • Parce qu’il est bon de se poser des questions même si on n’obtient pas de réponse.

  • Parce qu’éclaircir les idées c’est se donner la possibilité de penser différemment.

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